Horsts LEGO Want List

Set Name
Train Parts (old 12V series)
1136 or 5066 2 magnetic couplings
1142 or 5070 2 pairs of train wheels (black)
- Green train doors & windows
Floating ships
310 Tug
311 Ferry
312 Tanker
316 Fire Fighting Launch
709 Police Boat
4005 Tug Boat
4010 Police Rescue Boat
4015 Freighter
4020 Fire Fighter
4025 Fire Boat
4030 Cargo Carrier
Other Sets
1775 passenger plane (US Shop@Home only)
6557 Treasure Hunters

Sets in almost any condition will be considered for trade or buy. Shipping cost will be paid extra when I am buying. If you have some of the items I am looking for to trade or sell, please contact me by email. Feel free to offer other stuff as well, sometimes I am not aware of certain sets, so it might still be interesting for me, even if it is not on my list.

This page has last been updated on April 24, 2001.

Background image courtesy Todd Lehmann's personal LEGO site, formerly Fibblesnork.